Sunday, November 2, 2008

Videos and Resources

How are we using curriculum today? What are we hoping for ous students in the future?

I found this video and like the message. As educators we need to think about what students do on a daily basis. Through class discussions we recognize the importance of technology but that alone is not enough. How can we use technology as a tool to further learning. Seeing students use technology does not prove laerning is evident but we can mesh students' "new" learning style with our "old" teaching methodology. Presently, students and teachers are not on the same page.

"Catching the Knowledge Wave" Jane Gilbert
Identifies The Knowledge Society and discusses Lyotard's search for many reasons, many truths and many knowledges. Gilbert looks at what we could do differently "we need a new way of thinking about what we teach and why we teach it, a new way of thinking about the traditional disciplines that underpin the school curriculum."

"Toward a sensible school-to-work system" Bob Williams
This article looks at the skills needed for the world in the future.

"The Employability Skills Profile" Kurtis Kitagawa

Generic skills that employers look for when hiring and developing current employees.

"Competing models for public education" Robert Freeman
Cultural model of education compared to an industrial model. What we do is not always what we are.

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