Saturday, January 31, 2009

Technology and Administration

Yesterday I experienced the highs and lows of technology as an administrator. For the first time, I interviewed a teacher from Ontario for a job opening using skype. This was really neat. I never put much thought into this before but I realized the number of possible candidates now that we can interview using technology. We are in a global community.
My other experience was not quite as rewarding. Our school was set to hand out report cards and once again we were let down by the program we use. The teachers did everything correct as far as their limited training allowed. This is a prime example of using technology but not being trained for potential problems. It seemed like we took one step forward and now two back. Many of our teachers would like to go back to a different program or even calculate marks themselves.


Jim S. said...

I hear your woes. Our report cards won't be out until Monday. But growing pains always go away and I see Maplewood turning out all right.

As for your Skype experience I think that is fantastic. As an administrator I have been burned by the telephone interview. This is a better option.

arlene hansen said...

Hi Duane,
As an administrator, I am not familiar with skype and I would like to learn more about it. In Beauval it is a long way to drive to attend face to face interviews and meetings. This interview technique would enhance our ability to hire and otherwise communicate with potential suitable candidates for positions within Valley View School. I would appreciate it if you can you send me more information about skype.