Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I just found this video about student learning in connectivism. It simplifies things. The video also explains the role of the teacher.


rhedamaurice said...

The video was short and sweet and very informative. I liked the way the pictures were used and how it was removed and replaced with new words and pictures. I also found a site where an English teacher had a text page that students can read from and answer questions from without photocoping any pages. I thought, neat! It still amazes of how many tools are out there for us to use. Thanks for sharing the video.

darrell said...

The role of the educator as a learning architect really operates in the post-modernist paradigm. This role would not be a simple one. The knowledge requirement of the technology alone would be overwhelming. Perhaps teacher colleges will need to offer technology courses as major part of the degree.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the video and the clear description it gives of the skills students will need in the twenty first century. I think our school board has a long way to go before they would feel comfortable with the role of the twenty first century teacher. I have difficulty understanding how some students will fit into the theory of connectivism, but I am developing a plan to include everyone such as people with disabilities who do not read and have limited speech abilities. Thanks Pam

Unknown said...

Good Vid. What I especially found informative is the concept of using I-tunes to connect with university professors from around the world. This is something that I myself am going to research. I wonder if I can find lectures that relate to my research project.